
Local Healthcare Services (Fremtidens nære sundhedsydelser)

Healthcare Renovations and Healthcare Architecture

Denmark has a strong, centralized healthcare system, but there is a need to strengthen healthcare services closer to citizens who need it the most. It’s about creating a more equal and accessible healthcare system with equal access for all.

In this context, it makes sense to look at what can be done in social housing. The latest figures from BL – Danmarks Almene Boliger (Denmark’s Social Housing) show a significant inequality in health, with almost twice the prevalence of today’s most common diseases in social housing areas. As the population ages, this picture is only expected to worsen.

Today, there are 7,500 social housing departments distributed across all municipalities in the country. When these houses need renovation, it’s an excellent opportunity to incorporate health facilities, not only for the benefit of the housing area but for everyone in the local community.

NORD Architects has developed 4 examples of how more healthcare closer to citizens can be realized in four social housing associations with different scales, challenges, and local potentials.

The nationwide social housing building stock and the four case cities. The 4 cases are examples of an important issue found in many municipalities across Denmark.


The long distances to healthcare services in peripheral urban areas.


NORD has built upon the potentials and resources that already exist in the social housing sector.


There are great perspectives in increased sector collaboration between the health and housing sectors.


Case, Holstebro: Transformation of existing buildings into new housing types.


Case, Grindsted: Self-reliant in one’s own home.


Case, Landsbyer nær Varde: Local and mobile care facilities.


Case, Fredericia: New local health center and an expanded role for the property caretaker.

  • Year:


  • Collaborators:

    BL, Boligkontoret Fredericia, Lejerbo, VBA,, Bovia, Hedens Boligselskab, Fredericia Kommune, Holstebro Kommune, Landsbyggefonden

  • Status:

